2022 has come to an end, and I wanted to reflect on my goals as well as make some new resolutions for the coming year. It has been exciting, many changes have happened, and more is to come! How did I do with my 2022 goals, and what are my plans for the future?
Things I achieved
One of my major goals for the blog was to attempt to streamline it into the main topics of Mental Health, Wifery, and Writing. As I went through the vast material I’ve accumulated, I sorted the posts into their respective boxes, and can finally say the sorting has been dealt with! As a result of the great upheaval, I also decided to cut off many of the old posts, as they did not fit into any of the categories or subtopics within them, and left my more obscure articles with the label of “Philosophy” (I do so enjoy pondering about reality and how it pertains to my own worldview!).
I also succeeded in my long-term goal of remaking the whole look of the site, and even added my amazing pixel art into the mix! The Menus/Categories have been cleaned out, the Theme has been changed to a more minimal, sleek style (which I like a lot, and feel it now conveys my personality more than the previous one), and the site is turning into a proper part of my realm.
I am particularly proud of my massive work on making the flowers happen, as I had envisioned for a long while that it would be lovely to identify my posts based on different florals. This also meant that pretty much everything on the page other than the theme design is from my mind and hands!
Things that are still Pending
As I have been struggling this year, which is showcased in the craziness of only writing on half of the days in it, I’m sure you can imagine the work I have ahead of me when it comes to updating past posts. I have managed to get the first year done, and am now moving toward 2021 with vigor as I try to figure out how to get my projects going while also dealing with the growing translation load.
I also plan on doing some more work on the series I started, especially the Life Traps, since I feel it did not quite turn out as I wished it to, and I would like to have all my posts be able to stand alone. Even if the series has some amazing stuff in it, I do need to try and re-brand it so to speak. And of course, I need to finally finish it, having taken quite a hiatus from writing altogether. In place of the series, I was thinking about using the tags system within the blog to come up with a way to clump related posts together, and that way things could be found more easily, on a deeper level.
When it comes to my ponderings about changing my label from Manic Wordsmith to something else, that too is still on the table. My previous thoughts about being something along the lines of a BPD Housewife don’t quite ring the bell I wish it to ring anymore. I’ve taken a more philosophical, self-growth-centered turn in my journey, and thus have been thinking about something more… cool. Like something to do with Mavericks. Either way, my self-imposed label is still on the workbench!
So what’s the plan for 2023?
I would love to be able to keep posting posts each week, probably on Sundays despite it being one of the worst days to post according to my variably extensive research. Once a week seems to be an amazing pace for me and allows me to have some time for my translations, planning, and projects (without forgetting my permanent gig as a housewife!).
I would also like to implement the reviews I’ve been thinking about for a while. I read a lot of books, especially things on psychology, relationships, self-help, and so on, and feel like it would be beneficial and useful for me to review them here as I keep learning. It would provide a mini reference library for those interested in the topics I talk about. I already have one up there on a book about learning. I must say it was a lovely introduction to the things I was searching for!
I also aim to update you, my dear readers, about the projects at hand as much as I can. Trust me, my friends, even if poor Narcissus has been neglected for the better part of the year, the Blood Bank still lives on strong on the storyboards and the already-made cover image for the book decorates the background of my PC! After all, NBB will start an epic series of stories that are planned to span across three realms in the end! It is my life’s work and goal to get this chaotic cacophony of realms onto paper and for others to see.
Exploration and learning
Other than my writing goals, and putting a greater effort into that aspect of my life, I also want to spread my wings within my Frame of Life and explore the great infinity. I want to learn more about languages, the mind, different walks of life, and especially femininity and housewifery! As I’ve found that one of my three frame structures right beside Writing and Support is the act of Learning, I truly aim to start doing more of it in general in the year 2023.
One of the routes of learning is to try and make more of the blog, to have it reach more people. I have already started my journey with that in small steps, but perhaps I can now muster up the courage to tackle the mountain of social media promotions and more. For the benefit of my thoughts reaching more people, since that is what this is ultimately about – sharing my inner world with my readers.
Taking it easy
While all these aspirations are grand, very much doable, and something I truly aim for, if there is one thing I’ve learned it is that once I start looking at the enormous Everest of the task I’ve set out on, I get stressed. And when that happens, I lock up. So, Mrs. V will try her best to let things roll on their own weight and will have faith that things will keep happening, as they have been ever since I found what I think is my true path in life.
I’ve also been motivated by reaching my first-ever goal which was meant for the whole year, which was to write 200 000 words (that approximates about 3 respectable-length books by the way!) by the end of 2022. It was quite a big deal for me, as I’ve literally never been able to accomplish something of that magnitude. It has also given me amazing insight into my writing habits, what I can do, and where all the words I wrote were used in. It is no surprise that most of the writing I did in 2022 was translating. That being said, I wish to start balancing it out and begin creating more text of my own in 2023. The goal to hit is 300 000 words this time, with an added target of hitting 300 days of writing! No slacking for me anymore.
As a whole, the year 2023 will be about learning and growth. It will be about cultivating this newly-found self-awareness, my identity as a maverick, devoted wife, and active writer. I thank you all for sticking with me through 2022, and hope you will find my continuing search more and more captivating as I journey to myself, as well as the realms of writing and wifery, and find my way to the life I’ve always dreamt of!