In this post, I would like to talk a little bit about my plans for the future regarding the blog and where I am headed with it.
The Big Pause
Those of you who read my content on a more regular basis (thank you very much for doing so by the way!) may have noticed that towards the end of 2021, I had quite a long pause from posting. While the reasons for my random hiatus were mostly mental health-related, it also gave me the opportunity to sort of restart my brain and begin thinking more about what I want from the blog.
As per usual, this project of mine went from a simple thing into living its best life and branching to so many different things that my labels and categories can’t quite keep up anymore and chaos has ensued. I’m not kidding, you should see the stuff I have been brainstorming for! This all means that the blog has gotten sort of derailed, and needs to be brought back into the realm of more manageable simplicity.
The Future Direction
So what is this manageable simplicity I am getting at then?
Well, in my vision, the blog will become a place of three main topics in the end: Mental Health/ Borderline, Life as a Borderline Wife, and Writing. On the side, I would then put all my opinion pieces of things that tick me off or otherwise touched me, such as how the System is treating us and how I do not agree at all with modern feministic ideals. You know, the preachy stuff and complaints. Oh and the whole Twitter thing, oh my god that is a cesspit of things to talk about…
This new direction means that I will need to revamp the whole site in a way, making the menus and categories, labels of all sorts more streamlined. It also means going through my old posts to see what should go and what should stay, I’ve been writing this blog for about two years as of now, so I have quite the backlog. I also plan to re-work some of my posts into a more “media sexy” format.
What with the series?
As you may have noticed, the production of Life Traps has seized, and some others have come to life and will be soon snuffed out I bet in the renovations of this blog. When it comes to the Life Traps though, I do love exploring the topics here on my blog, though I’ve hit somewhat of a moral dilemma with it – It is at the point where my childhood is coming to play, and so I can not write about it without bringing to light my family life from way back when. And I’m not sure if I’d like to do that, to open my wounds regarding my parents more, and also wonder how they will see it should it ever come to light with them.
My mother has been amazing and supportive, obviously not happy about some of my wording choices, but in the end, she told me to do what I see fit. And then the other side, my father, made sure to let me know he does not appreciate me writing about him. I’m not even going to go to my sister’s self-righteous meltdown about talking out my feelings in public like this, that was just tragic in itself.
And then there is me. What do I want? And What can I live with when it comes to my writing? What am I comfortable putting out there, where is the line that I won’t cross?
So far I have been on a proper sort of borderline vendetta, having the very strong mentality of “It’s my lived experience and I have the right to talk about it God Damnit!”. But now things have changed, I’ve started to heal and mellow out, and I have begun to wonder whether it is completely necessary for me to spill out the childhood demons I need to deal with in such an unkind and brutal manner.
When will the change happen?
Some of it is already happening, as I’ve gone back to one post a week for now while I figure things out. The other stuff, well, you know me, I’m a bit not alright in the ol’ noggin’. I’ve been stressing out about this whole not writing in the blog situation, racking my brain over the chaotic state it’s in, and also crying myself to sleep (Just kidding! Although I have been very down and depressed about it, as per the revelations in my post regarding the book) about my WIP, NBB, because that didn’t happen like I imagined it would.
I will try to take some breaths and start the mountain of work in stages. I’m good at planning, but the implementations are lacking! I would think the first steps (alongside the weekly posts about whatever topic) would be to re-do the categories and subcategories, as well as the labels. After that, it would make sense to go through the posts to see what goes where, which ones need reworking and titling, and so forth. I also need to finally get around to putting the proper linkings into the posts!
New Skin!
After all the functional stuff was done, I was thinking about changing my theme for the blog. I’m just too cheap to go out of my way to pay for a fancy-posh one, so I’ll have to spend tons of time figuring out what I want and finding a theme that would be ideal for my new look. That should be fun, right? It’ll be like a re-branding of Mrs. V!
I’ve also been thinking about the whole Manic Wordsmith thing, and I wonder if I should change it into something more topical to the blog (and my identity), like Borderline Housewifery or something. Well, that’ll have to come later, I have other, more important things to solve first!
So, my dear reader, look forward to finding out what will happen this year in this little online corner of mine. Maybe I’ll even surprise myself with the results!